Review Left To Tell

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust

Immaculee Ilibagiza grew up in a country she loved, surrounded by a family she cherished. But in 1994 her idyllic world was ripped apart as Rwanda descended into a bloody genocide. Immaculee’s family was brutally murdered during a killing spree that lasted three months and claimed the lives of nearly a million Rwandans.

Saya: Membaca kisah nyata ini, saya merasa ngeri: "bahkan di dunia yang isinya semua berkulit gitam dan berambut keriting pun, masih ada rasisme yang begitu akut."

Saya percaya, rasisme yang terjadi di dunia manapun, adalah pekerjaan iblis...ketika kita rasis, kita menjadi budak iblis...saya takut

"Immaculee masuk universitas. Dia tidak menyangka bisa lolos karena jatah untuk suku Tutsi sangat sedikit. Dia bertemu dan jatuh cinta pada seorang lelaki dari suku Hutu bernama John. Masalahnya sekarang, John Protestan sedangkan Imma Katolik."

"Tuhan menunjukkan jalan pada Immaculee dengan cara belajar bahasa Inggris. Agar nanti bisa dia ceritaka ttg pembantaian Tutsi pd org2 PBB"

Bonnie: Wow! This book is so good. What an amazing woman. The things she endured and the attitude and faith she was able to keep are unbelievable. Definitely a lesson in faith, miracles, God's love, determination, forgiveness and many more. My sister kept telling me to read it, and finally just sent it over to me. I'm so glad she did. Thanks, Deb!

Rachel: Really an excellent read. She is able to describe her experience dealing with the Rwandan holocaust in a physical, spiritual , and emotional way. Despite the serious subject, this book is uplifting. But I don't want to move to Rwanda.

Mandy: How is it that I was a teenager when the Rwandan Holocaust was taking place, and I can't remember it? It was less than 20 years ago! My eyes were opened to the harsh realities of this terrible event. I cried a few times while reading this book. Even though the genocide was terrible and horrifying, this book is more about forgiveness than hate. Immaculee did a wonderful job telling her story of survival and how she came to know God and find peace amidst the Rwandan storm.

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