Sesudah Perang Dunia II, banyak gadis berbakat di New York mengejar kesempatan untuk meraih ambisi. Lucia Sartori, si cantik dari Greenwich Village, adalah salah satunya. Didukung keluarga dan kekasih yang mencintainya, ia bekerja untuk perancang busana di depstor terkenal di Fifth Avenue.
Namun hidup Lucia terguncang ketika ia bertemu John Talbot, pengusaha tampan yang menjanjikan kehidupan mewah di kalangan uptown, seperti yang hanya ia baca di kolom-kolom sosialita. Terbelah antara cintanya pada keluarga dan impian pribadinya, Lucia terlibat dalam skandal yang mengungkap banyak rahasia, membahayakan kariernya, dan mengancam nama baik keluarga Sartori.
Gramedia 2007
Saya: (page 174 of 336)
I'm on page 174 of 336 of Lucia, Lucia: Lucia semakin dekat dengan John Talbot, bahkan keluarganyapun menyambut hangat lelaki itu...Lucia merasakan kasmaran padanya...
Nataly: I Love all the story wraped nicely by the story of someone that at first barely noticed except as an old lady who's always dress nice and wearing long jacket everywhere she go.
Lucia is the only daughter in an Italian/American family in the 1950s. She's an accomplished seamstress and works in a famous department store in New York City. She also happens to be engaged to her childhood sweeheart and is stunned to learn that her family expects her to quit her job and stay home to help her future mother-in-law and prepare to have children. Remember - this is the 1950s. Lucia calls off her engagement and begins to lead the most interesting life in the world of fashion. She wants to be a carrier woman in the 1950's. she wants woman to be equall to have a job like a man. The author drew strong characters and I particularly love reading about Lucia's friendships and relationships with her family. Good read! I really enjoyed!
Cathy: Lucia is the only daughter in an Italian/American family in the 1950s. She's an accomplished seamstress and works in a famous department store in New York City. She also happens to be engaged to her childhood sweeheart and is stunned to learn that her family expects her to quit her job and stay home to help her future mother-in-law and prepare to have children. Remember - this is the 1950s. Lucia calls off her engagement and begins to lead the most interesting life in the world of fashion. The author drew strong characters and I particularly enjoyed reading about Lucia's friendships and relationships with her family. Good read!
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