Review Honey Trap

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Honey Trap

by Julie Cohen (Goodreads Author), Elli J. S (Translator), Indah N. (Editor), Tisa Anggriani (Proofreader)

Sophie Tennant sudah terbiasa menghadapi situasi genting, mengingat profesinya sebagai detektif swasta yang kerjanya memasang perangkap madu bagi lelaki hidung belang. Sadar profesi tersebut tidak selamanya menyenangkan, Sophie memutuskan beralih profesi sebagai aromaterapis dan ditawari ikut tur sebuah band rock!

Semuanya berjalan lancar, sampai dia mengenali pemain bas band tersebut ternyata Dominick Steele: korban perangkap madunya yang pertama! Tapi amarah Dominick tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan seorang mantan istri yang menguntit Sophie karena hendak membalas dendam!

Qwerty 2010

Speakercoret: Ini sejenis ciklit kali yah :D ceritanya si Sophie ini detektif swasta spesialis perangkap madu.. sebutan utk orang yg memmbuat jebakan pada para pria untuk melakukan perselingkuhan.. kliennya biasanya istri / tunangan / mertua ( calon mertua )yang merasa curiga dengan kelakuan pria itu..ada lucu2nya juga... n yg pasti ada kisah cintanya juga makanya gw pikir ini ciklit deh :D
dah ah ripiunya kapan2 kalo pengen...recomended lah buat adiknya aki mah... cilklit covernya pingky pula hiihhi
eh itu covernya kenapa kaki bagian dalamnya lebih gelap yah... ga kebalik apa? #ngerutindahi

Yola: great! aku suka ama romance yg awalnya saling benci/saling marahan/saling jauh2an gitu.. jadi kesannya kan rada rumit kalau mereka mau bersatu..jadiiii,, aku suka ama cerita novel ini..suka juga pas mereka yg gak bisa nyangkal kalau mereka itu sama2 tertarik. hehe
sooo,, i give 5 for Honey Trap!

Nefret: Die Inhaltsangabe lässt ein leichtes Thema vermuten, doch tatsächlich geht es in dieser Liebesgeschichte um Alkoholismus und Einsamkeit. Gut und glaubwürdig geschildert.

Regan: loved this book. was an easy read....made me grin the entire time i read it....i love all the little black dress books....they should all be turned into chick flicks

Mary: I found the translated book last year, and read it without high expectation. But it turns out to be one of my favorite. Thanks to Qwerty, the Indonesian publisher to introduce this awesome book for Indonesian reader. Actually, it's a bit hard for us to get books from UK, so I'm glad I found it here. Lately, I found the original copy, re-read and love it even better.

Sophie Tennant has been running her private investigator business for 7 years. With her experiences in police department she was very good in this field. She liked to locate missing persons, collecting evidences, helped her client to solve special cases. Unfortunately, the most cases in her file were Infidelity Investigation. With her beautiful face and fine figure, her clients (mainly suspicious wives), need her to find out what their husband has been up to, and sadly it used to be a dirty cases.

Disgusted, Sophie decided to be far away from dirty secrets and started her new business as an aromatherapist in a small town. Then one day, Max De Milo, an eighties rock band guitarist asked her to join him on the road as a healing hand. Recently, Max tried to re-form his band and will be on the road tour promotion. On the recent sinking business Sophie decided to accept the engagement.

Unfortunately, she has to be on the road with Dominique Steele, the last person she wants to meet and her weakness, the only victim she got that could make her distracted.
5 years ago, Dominique was a brilliant famous rock star. He was the lead singer, main songwriter, played bass, guitar and keyboard as well. He's gorgeous, charming, sexy, hot, and his wive didn't believe him. She asked Sophie to set a honey trap to gather evidences to charge a divorce. Despite their strong chemistry, Sophie took what she needed, and put Dom's marriage and career on wreck.

Now they have to be together for 7 weeks. Despite their irritation to each other, the old chemistry is still so powerful. Sophie find a new Dominique that quite attracted. Despite her lack of faith, she can't resist his charm, and their 'road only' relationship is quite interesting. But an unsatisfied ex-client seems to scrutiny her and threathened her safety.

Sophie is a smart and independent woman. Her childhood history made her distrustful. She's strong and sweet, very likeable character. When she set her honey trap job, she wore thick make up and sexy outfit and she called it her uniform. She has never thought herself beautiful, she believe the uniform did the magic trick on her victims and she really hate herself on those image. But on their first meet Dom could figured her out. He once said there's someone else inside all this sexiness, someone who's not even sure that she's beautiful.

Dom is hired on the oldies rock band to fill bass player position. After his divorce he was sucked in alcohol and his drinking problem destroy his famous band. Recently he has been sober, jobless and broke. So he took the job. Surprisingly, on this tour he find back his passion on music which has been lost in the past. He knows Venusian is not his band, so on this tour he always tried to be unnoticed. But with his height, dangerous dark profile, and his talent, he will always be a star.

I like Sophie. She is quiet, observant and always pull herself from crowd. But when she do her investigation job, it's kind of cool. She knows where to start, she knows the contacts, she's great with cyber world investigation. She's good to be unnoticed when following her victims. She's small, slender but strong. She's fearless and capable enough on her self defence. She's pretty good also as an aromatherapist. I like how she mix oils, creating scents for healing bodies. It seems that she was always good in every job she'd done. Oh, the funny thing is people tend to spill their secrets to her, even when she didn't want to hear any and prefered to avoid it.

I also like the re-formed Dom. He was a bad boy tried to be good man. I like how he always put himself on low profile, to be blend with the background crews. I like how he tease Sophie, but also respect her. I think he was a bit afraid of her because of their past history where he's gone to Sophie's trap while he was very attracted to her. I like how he always admitted himself as a bad guy while actually there are lots of good sides of him.

There are still a lot of things I like on both characters, but mainly the romance is pretty awesome. It's fun and far from cheesy. I love this book very much and would strongly recommend it to all romance reader.

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